Chris Tracy Appointed Bluegrass Regional Manager

(1/5/2022) Chris Tracy joined the agency in 2009, having graduated from UK Law and Butler University.  He started in the unified Lexington office on Church St., originally sharing his office with two other staff attorneys.  Subsequently, Chris became a staff attorney in the Lexington South office, before becoming the directing attorney of Lexington North in September of 2014.  Around the same time, Chris became a regular coach/instructor with the education branch, helping with Week 1 trainings, Faubush, and capital voir dire.  Chris has tried numerous cases to verdict, including two capital cases and a third murder trial with individual voir dire.  He has attended various NACDL workshops, participated in the Clarence Darrow Institute in Chicago, and continues to seek out new information to better serve clients.  Chris lives in Lexington with his wife Diana, and kids Charlie and Ruby. 

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